Sunday, March 9, 2014

Cuba Fest!

Isabel and Lourdes and I stumbled upon a free Cuban music concert in the central square in front of the cathedral. The music and dancing were thrilling. I bought a CD, some wooden hair sticks, and a wooden rhythm instrument. I wonder if they'd be considered contraband in the U.S?

Monthly Crafts Market

Located in the Instituto Allende courtyard....where I went to art school 42 years ago. Lourdes went to the market to meet new venders. I enjoyed it, but I left hours before they did. Lourdes's SUV was half-full when they got home.

Visitors from Guadalajara.

Isabel and Lourdes from Guadalajara and Tlaqueplaque.

Catalyst Quartet

A very talented string quartet played at St. Paul's on Friday night. Jesse Montgomery, one of the violinists, composed "Strum", the first piece they played, in honor of International Women's Day. A fabulous, and well-played program. Bravo!

Some Local Goodies

Menonite cheese

I found this delicious cheese at Costco in Celaya. Mennonites have lived in Chijuajua State since the early 1920's.

Friday, March 7, 2014

All about pumps

The simple orange pump in the basement/garage is activated by an electronic float in the tinaco (large water container) on the roof. When the water level in the tinaco gets too low, this pump moves water from the huge cistern under Johnnie's casita up three stories to the tinaco.

The fancy Danish pump next to the tinaco on the roof moves hot and cold water sideways (to the washing machine), and down into the sinks, showers, and toilets in both houses. Water was running in the kitchens and bathrooms before...but was moved by gravity, and thus arrived in only in a bare trickle.

Fuerte (the dog) and (Santorini) Bottled Water

I used Santorini for bathing, washing, and cooking for ten days while the house water system was upgraded from basement to roof. 

Fuerte's always a good sport.

We celebrated water...but we jumped the gun.

The water isn't moving from the cistern to the pump in the basement. I need some sort of replacement valve at a pipe joint in the cistern (!?!) We're good campers and real troopers.

Oh, there's the original propane tank. I'm keeping that.